Page name: Dane fanz! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-15 01:51:05
Last author: cowsgomoo14245
Owner: . x o x o .
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 20
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First of all, go to Moonlit Dream so you know who Dane is...

Welcome to Dane fanz! this is for all of us that have read [Chi] 's manga- Moonlit Dream and think that Dane rulz!

---Dane is a part of Moonlit Dream which rightfully belongs to [Chi] so don't steal anything from her peice of work, because she worked VERY hard on it, and spent a LONG time on it. also if you do ill have to hunt you down and..*ahem* here are the members---

Members of Dane Fanz!

1- [. x o x o .] I Wuvvies Dane! [Chi] U ROCK! i never knew you could draw such a cute guy ^_^!

2- [Angel of Ice] Dane Dane Dane! *swoon* Such a cutie! ^__^

3- [Amber_eyes] he REALLY cute!^.^

4- [Chi] i guess i gotta like my character ^ ^

5- [scars of winter rain] i love dane, but for reasons of my own ^ ^ but enough about me^ ^ *~sings~* DANE DANE DANE DANE DANE DANE DANE DANE (aka matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt) ^ ^ hee hee hee ^ ^

6- [Lostflame] only like Dane cuz [Chi] made him.

7- [Sana] I am a friend of [Chi]'s and I love her characters. Dane is number 1. WOOT!

8- [Sparklies] Oooh! Go Dane! Go [Chi]! Go Dane-[Chi]!!!! WOOT!!

9- [sesshy] [Chi] good job on drawing another bishie

10- [cowsgomoo14245] i can't believe i haven't joined this fanclub before! I love Dane and [Chi] is a great artist! ^^

this is the banner for now, if anyone wants to make one go right ahead ^_^


member goodies-
this is where you can post things you made that reminded you of Moonilt Dream or things from/ for it.

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-07 [. x o x o .]: Dane Dane Dane Dane! o'come on ppl! join join join join!

2004-07-07 [Angel of Ice]: *dances* yay!!

2004-07-07 [. x o x o .]: lol YAY

2004-07-11 [. x o x o .]: ^_^

2004-07-11 [. x o x o .]: YAY MY IDOL [Chi] HAS ENTERED!!!!! YAYYYYYYYY

2004-07-11 [Chi]: lol ^ ^ yepper

2004-07-11 [. x o x o .]: ^_________^

2004-07-11 [Chi]: wheeeeeeeeeee

2004-07-11 [. x o x o .]: lalalalalalalalalal *ahem* ::sings:: DANE DANE DANE DANE DANE! hey [Chi] should i put my song up on this wiki?

2004-07-11 [Chi]: YEAH!!!

2004-07-11 [. x o x o .]: kk ^_^

2004-07-11 [scars of winter rain]: wow kikyou i love your song ^ ^

2004-07-11 [. x o x o .]: heh ...thank you.

2004-07-11 [. x o x o .]: don't wanna intrude but...whats with the matt matt matt thing [scars of winter rain] ?

2004-07-11 [Chi]: heh

2004-07-11 [Angel of Ice]: hey, [Chi], you should make Dane say "chi" or "oro" ^^;;

2004-07-11 [Chi]: lol. OH! I have made a blooper reel so...i could make one like that

2004-07-11 [Angel of Ice]: yay! oh, a blooper reel? ^__^ Those are fun!

2004-07-11 [Chi]: yeah. they will be up soon

2004-07-11 [Angel of Ice]: yay! that'll be fun!

2004-07-11 [Chi]: yesh

2004-07-11 [. x o x o .]: i can't wait to see!

2004-07-12 [Sana]: ME JOIN TOO!

2004-07-12 [Chi]: -^-^-

2004-07-12 [. x o x o .]: yay!!!!! ^________________^

2004-07-13 [. x o x o .]: checkies out mah Moolit Dream fan fic - Chena's nightmare

2004-07-13 [. x o x o .]: ^ ^

2004-07-14 [Sana]: :3

2004-07-14 [. x o x o .]: ^ ^

2004-07-17 [RoninX]: moo! hmm......          where am i???

2004-07-18 [Sana]: in a world of...............FANTASY!!

2004-07-18 [Chi]: yay

2004-07-18 [Angel of Ice]: ooooooooo *sounds like the alien squeeky toys from Toy Story*

2004-07-20 [. x o x o .]: lol

2004-07-28 [. x o x o .]: ^ ^

2004-08-01 [Chi]: llalalala

2004-08-02 [. x o x o .]: ^ ^

2004-08-13 [Sana]: MORE!

2004-08-13 [. x o x o .]: hey everybody here join Chi's fan club

2004-08-13 [Sana]: YES YES!

2004-08-18 [Sparklies]: WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! GO DANE!!!!!!! (rotfl)

2004-08-18 [. x o x o .]: lol [Sparklies] your very hyper today aren'tcha ya?

2004-08-18 [Sparklies]: NOOOOOOOO! course not! just kidding! lol yah i am...i dunno why though...i think its cuz of Dane Fanz!!!!!!!!

2004-08-18 [Sana]: meow

2004-08-18 [. x o x o .]: lol ^ ^

2004-08-25 [sesshy]: *drool*

2004-08-25 [. x o x o .]: lol

2004-09-02 [. x o x o .]: *hands [sesshy] a napkin*

2004-12-05 [sesshy]: *drooling continues*

2004-12-18 [. x o x o .]: *gives you another napkin*

2004-12-18 [Angel of Ice]: *give sesshy a table cloth* ^^?

2004-12-26 [. x o x o .]: table cloth? HMPF! fancy-pants...

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